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F10 Parking Lot Changes

Friday, June 25, 2021

The construction of the new Social Work/College of Nursing and Health Innovations building is underway and expected to be completed by January 2023.  As part of a comprehensive parking strategy to manage demand in this area and ensure parking occupancy for employees, the parking allocations in F10 have changed.  The details are outlined below:

  • The construction site has closed the ADA South parking lot. Parking & Transportation (PATS) has relocated and expanded the ADA stalls from this lot into the middle section of F10.  The goal of this expansion and relocation is to provide long-term ADA parking accommodations that will exceed ADA parking demand in this high-traffic area.
  • The construction site requires on-site trailers to house the project's leadership team. These trailers are located in the Southwest section of the parking lot, further reducing the faculty/staff parking capacity.
  • To accommodate the lost parking spaces from the ADA relocation and construction trailers, the CPW parking lot will be reallocated from Resident parking to Faculty/Staff parking. This lot will be renamed "F13".
  • The 40 reserved parking spaces in F10 will be reallocated to a "reserved-zone" permit as a pilot program. The goal of this pilot program is to allow more users to park in the reserved section and relieve some demand on the general permit section of the lot. PATS will offer 50-65 permits for these 40 parking stalls depending on the work schedules and parking habits of the permit holders.  PATS will continuously monitor the area to ensure parking capacity during peak parking times.  The permit will decrease from $825 to $528/year and will first be offered to current reserved-space owners.  All employees may join the waitlist for this permit by logging into their MavPark account at

PATS is aware of the parking constraints in the F10 and F13 parking areas, and feedback from a recent employee survey suggests the anticipated work schedules of employees will allow for additional parking capacity in these lots.  However, if parking is full, additional employee parking will be available on the north side of the University Center in F11 and Lot 38 and in the College Park garages.

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